Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Temptation of It All

After nudging Ms. Patty on her cheek this morning to wake her up, she gives me my breakfast and then goes back to bed. Unusual, but it was chilly in the house so maybe that's why. Anyway, I finish my breakfast and start to prowl around the house as it gets gradually lighter outside.

Our routine in the morning is torture, pure torture for me. Ms. Patty opens the blinds on the windows in the living room, then the kitchen, then the dining room and then finally - finally! - she feeds me.

Today this additional light was to my benefit. Of what do I speak? Well, see the picture below? That is the edge of a package of Temptations kitty treats. Awesome name, yes? I was just giddy with excitement when I saw it but I had to keep quiet.


Well, I had already tried to open this package myself one day to no avail. You can see a couple of the teeth marks on the edge. Ms. Patty usually keeps these in the food cupboard but I guess she forgot to put them away. I reached up with my right paw as it's the stronger one and worked at it to get it closer to me. Closer, closer...on the floor it went. Success! Wait, the package still isn't open so I guess not, just yet.But I'm nothing if not determined.

I chew and I chew and I chew some more. I still can't get this opened but I am getting little, tiny pieces of the food to come out! Eventually, I am successful by tossing the package around and around letting pieces get shaken out onto the carpeting everywhere! Oh, rapture! I'm nearly swooning - can you just imagine it?

I eat until my tummy is full and then I go into the bedroom where Ms. Patty is still sleeping. I jump up on the bed and proceed to snuggle in by the crook of her knees and promptly fall asleep. By the way, no matter what Ms. Patty tells you - I do NOT snore. I hum. There is a difference.

A little while later Ms. Patty wakes up and goes into the bathroom, then into the dining room. That's when I heard her screech and then yell, "Stella!"

Uh oh. What did I do? What did I DO?? My toys are always everywhere so it can't be that. Hmmm.

I slowly walk in behind her and her eyes are bugged out but she's got a grin (so I must be sort of safe). I look around and see the treats waiting for me later in the day, scattered on the carpeting. What's the problem? It's easier than waiting for her to feed me, right?

"Where's the package, Stella?"

Oh. That. So it IS a problem. Oops.

Then she walks to the little closet by the front door and brings out the monster, I believe it's called a vacuum but I call it a monster because it makes a horrifically loud noise! She plugs it in and comes into the dining room. Oh no, she isn't. Is she? Please, don't do it, Ms. Patty!

She vacuums up the dining room carpet. All my treat crumbles for the day are gone. Gone! Oh, woe is me. 

Then she finds the package and she can see that I was successful in getting the treats out (see the picture below as proof!), but rather than her telling me I was a good girl, she throws the package away. Then tells me "No food until dinner, Stella". Gulp. I realize that's a really long time from now - so I stand up on my hind legs and place my little paws on her leg, hoping for some sympathy.

I got nothing. Except she tells me I am going to pay for this because "what goes in must come out, Stella". I'm not sure what that means but perhaps I'll let you know when I figure it out. In the meantime, I'm feeling a bit tired so I'm off for a nap.

After the fact

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