Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome To My Cat House

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stella and I was adopted November 5, 2010 by a lovely woman who goes by the name of, well, let's call her Ms. Patty.

I am a short-haired, domestic cat with a tortoise shell coloring, mostly brown. I have gold eyes and a swanky walk. I use that to attract the attention of Ms. Patty because what does it get me? Food! Most of the time that works but she's catching on to me. I'm not sure if it's that she's less busy so she remembers when she's fed me or what, but I do need to come up with another strategy as I do so love my food.

I also love Ms. Patty and the affection she gives me. I do whatever I can to get more petting and play time. She has given me all these lovely toys; my favorite is the mouse. Oooh, who doesn't love a mouse?? It sometimes makes a noise, sort of a rumble (Ms. Patty refers to it as a remote mouse, I'm not very techi so I'll take her word for it). But I like it better when it's quiet, I snatch it up by its tail and carry on to my recliner or into my carrier and bat it around.

I also have this gold and black striped toy, looks like a huge tail. It smells really good and I love to play with that one, my feet just start clutching at it like I'm running a marathon, and then I get all calm and relaxed. You know what else is fun? Straws. Yes, just a simple straw. See, I like to chew. A lot. And straws are awesome to chew on, plus they're lightweight so I can carry them everywhere and leave them in unexpected places for Ms. Patty to find. Like a boot - that was so funny - she thought she stepped on a spider!!

Oh, about the title of my blog, being addicted to humans? Ms. Patty chose that and I'm still trying to understand why. Just because I need to be on the same floor of the house as her within earshot (and preferably where I can see her) or because I drool, I mean, kiss her in the morning on her neck to wake her up, doesn't mean I'm addicted to humans. Sheesh. I think it's a sweet sign of my love for her that I want to be around her so much. Don't you?

Well, I'm going to sign off for now and leave you with a picture of moi. It's not my favorite but it will do for now. Ta ta, darlings!

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