Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm In A Bit Of Trouble

To those who know me, that won't come as a surprise (so I'm told by Ms. Patty). However, for those who don't know me, what I did was sooooo worth being in trouble now. At least I hope so. Well, you decide after you read what happened.

Ms. Patty feeds me in such an unappealing way, she uses a programmable food dispenser. So only a certain amount of food comes out for me at each feeding. Certainly not enough, hmmm.

But EUREKA! I have figured out how to sneak  food out of the dispenser without Ms. Patty knowing. Well, now she knows but for days I had it going on! Meoooooow!

She was in the living room with Mr. K this morning, they were quietly chatting. My breakfast had been served automagically and then I made my move ever so stealthily. I stuck my paw up into the chute where the food comes down and ta da!!, I had seconds in my bowl!

But then I heard "That little cheater!!" And I knew the fun and games were over.

Ms. Patty came over and noticed the level of food left in the dispenser itself and exclaimed, "This shouldn't be this low, I was figuring refilling this next week, now we'll have to refill it probably this weekend. She's been cheating a lot! Stella!"

Gulp. (And not a food gulp, rather, an "uh oh" gulp.)

Then you know what she did?? Two things that were just utterly shocking.
  1. She weighed me and said I had gained weight (have not, that's just my winter coat!).
  2. Horror of horrors - she put the food dispenser  in the CLOSET! 
How am I supposed to get fed if it's in THERE? Oh, dear. I'm going to have a hard time remaining the lady that I am (stop laughing, Ms. Patty, that's not very polite!) if I can't see my food dispenser. How will I know when to sit over there and watch it until the food comes down if I can't see it?

Oh dear, can some please give me advice on how to get my food dispenser back? I would be forever in your debt. Purrrrrrr....


1 comment:

  1. Trouble with a capital T. Oh dear.
    It's not looking good...
